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10 Monate vorher
Hot Alec, nice body and his ass so good
1 vor einem Jahr
Damn I forgot about this babe! 🔥❤️🔥
1 vor einem Jahr
1 vor einem Jahr
Lindo Ele delicioso
1 vor einem Jahr
Pure beauty and wicked sexiness. Full blown adonis. Hot! 🔥
1 vor einem Jahr
all american stud
2 Jahre vorher
Lindo Ele e Delicioso
2 Jahre vorher
One of my favorites--so handsome and great body
4 Jahre vorher
he was (in the 90) my obsession . He was my first favorite porn star at that time
4 Jahre vorher
Alex was gorgeous. Spectacular body.
5 Jahre vorher
I always loved Alec Powers as a hot blonde and fully buffed-out... How I did so wanna work my way down from those sumptuous lips, down his sexy long lips; following he ab trail, six pack; until reaching his oak tree with the lovely bushes at the base to frolic in... I"d would"ve torn the bottom of his drawers, throw them over my shoulders and throw him a good doggy boning he won"t soon forget... Just like his getting boned and owned missionary; too... I just want Alex"s extra time and his.... Kiss...