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Hace 8 meses
He’s no longer the masculine hunk we grew to love. He’s now on the process of transitioning to a trans woman. Hormone therapy and all.
Hace 8 meses
sexy as fuck!
Hace 1 año
He has this masculine energy that’s so hot and such a turn on. He’s handsome, he’s kinky and overall he just seems like he’s fun to be around and be with.
Hace 1 año
Simply Gorgeous Man!
Hace 1 año
the first time i fall in love with a guy, this guy really took my heart. i hope one day i can meet him irl
Hace 1 año
Hace 1 año
Lindo e Delicioso Desejo Ele
Hace 1 año
Lindo e Delicioso Desejo Ele
Hace 2 años
SAF !!! 😈🔥💪
Hace 2 años
Amazing boy, hottest Romanian I ever saw. Especially love the way he is communicatively enjoying while bottoming, it"s unfortunately not that common in the industry. Wish he would come back 🥵
Hace 2 años
does anyone have his scene from masqulin with manuel skye called "fertile ground"?
Hace 3 años
He is so hot, too bad he left porn so soon.
Hace 3 años
He's 5'8"
Hace 3 años
He's so cute and sexy in Service a la Francaise
Hace 3 años
Lindo e gostoso
Hace 4 años
Call me 9262335411
Hace 4 años
sexually beautiful, hot and delicious
Hace 4 años
i like to fuck with him mmmmmmmmmmm
Hace 4 años
So handsome and hot!! Love his body and dick!
Hace 5 años
Hace 5 años
sexy dude, luv the rock hard small cock! ...
Hace 5 años
My handsome igor