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Hace 2 meses
- ❤️ ... // ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ .
Hace 5 meses
Lindo e Lindo Eu Desejo Demais
Hace 9 meses
I"ve got a work colleague who I see twice every week to take over my shift and he looks like Paul a lot. I always fantasize him calling me into the back office, telling me to close the door and to tell me to take my pants of for him to destroy my ass... I get hard all the time thinking about it when I see him 🤤
Hace 1 año
Horny boy hehe
Hace 1 año
Lindo Desejo ele
Hace 1 año
Hot bitch <3
Hace 1 año
Hace 2 años
Delicioso Demais Eu Sonho Demais Com Ele
Hace 2 años
I"m jerking off for you "
Hace 3 años
Gostei Muito Obrigado
Hace 4 años
Muito gostoso ele
Hace 4 años
Massage scene with Zack Hood is his hottest scene
Hace 5 años
Oh, yes.... Paul Fresh... The name says it all... Such a fresh peaches & cream completion is so much alluring awesomeness that he professionally batters up beautifully for both teams... But, ofcourse; I prefer his pro bat & balls work on the all men"s team... And I especially love his scenes with handsome hottie Rudy Bodlak... Paul & Rudy got some real onscreen chemistry going on there... And I wanna be smack dab; in between the both of them...