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Hace 6 meses
Where"s he now?
Hace 8 meses
Nutted to so many of his vids. Wonder whatever happened to him.
Hace 10 meses
use to save his videos onto my small ass android phone and nutted so much to his videos
Hace 1 año
Vinnie es un verdadero dios griego hermoso hombre lo que no daría por chuparle la pija 😍😋
Hace 1 año
looks like zelensky, now i know where i know zelenskys face from
Hace 1 año
My favorite scenes: 3-way with Matthew Ford and Dominic Sol in Verboten, 3-way with Jay Armstrong and Nick Piston, his freakin hot bang with Tyler Riggz. Vinnie ist beautiful. Perfection. Hypermasculine. He is just a combination of so many good elements that make a gay man furious with horniness. I want to be his bitch. 🔥
Hace 2 años
There"s a scene where he is a doctor and has a guy in stirrups. The guy asks if he knows what he"s doing, and Vinnie answers--Oh, yeah. I know what I"m doing. HOT.
Hace 2 años
i miss him so bad
Hace 2 años
i"d kill to fuck his big ass
Hace 2 años
Lindo Delicioso ele
Hace 3 años
Quisiera cojer con este hermoso macho...
Hace 4 años
Eu quero
Hace 4 años
I always dreamed of him...he could do it hard...
Hace 4 años
He is a vision of manhood.