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9 days ago
This HAS to be fake. I"m guessing he pumps this stuff into his penis first (somehow)....
21 days ago
Absolutely insane amount of cum! Literal thick ropes of cum, so long they"re almost a constant stream. His usual pattern seems to be 25 ropes on the first orgasm, 15, in the next, and 10 each in the following one or two. Literally multiple pints of cum. I don"t understand how it"s physically possible, but if it"s fake, it"s by far the best I"ve ever seen. And same with precum. Not shooting, but a nearly constant flow of multiple tablespoons of thick precum that would fill a cup in a couple of minutes. Especially love that, and when he creampies his partner, who shoots long, thick, solid streams of cum out of his ass afterward. It"s amazing he can hold it in as long as he does! Because of the force and volume, I"d expect the cum to be shooting out of his hole as it"s being pumped in. Amazing.
22 days ago
I would love to be facialized by you ! So much cum ! Nom nom !